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Our Story

Laughter Clubs Victoria Inc (LCVi) is part of a global movement for

health, happiness and world peace.


LCVi is the overarching body founded in 2002 by Phillipa Challis OAM,

to support community laughter clubs in Victoria

and laughter clubs around Australia.


Geelong was the first laughter club launched, followed one month

later by Hampton.   Mitcham Laughter Club then led the way

for the explosion of clubs across Melbourne and Regional Victoria.

Laughter Yoga International

News & Events

Dr Madan Kataria, Founder Laughter Yoga Global Movement

 Mathuri Kataria, Co- Founder Laughter Yoga Global Movement


Laughter Clubs of Victoria is part of more than 6500 Community Laughter Clubs across 101 countries and we have had the privilege of contributing to Wellness through Laughter being practiced in companies, corporations, yoga studios, fitness centres, schools, colleges, universities, senior homes, retirement villages, nursing homes, councils, cancer centres, senior citizens clubs and more. 


Laughter Yoga is the current health trend sweeping the world with a new wave of enthusiasm, camaraderie, fun, joy, hope, peace and happiness.  The Laughter Clubs of Victoria is evermore grateful to our founder and co-founder for what they have given the world.

World Laughter Day 2019


Laughter Community Summit 2018

World Laughter Day 2018



Our Success Story

Community Laughter Clubs

A Real Success

At Laughter Clubs Victoria, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our Community service fun and free are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach goals for better health, happiness, joy, fun and peace to fulfil the potentials to live life laughing. The positive impact of laughter with myriads of benefits of the mind, body, spirit adds an undeniable quality to good life. **Video of what happens in a Laughter Club courtesy of Myrtleford Laughter Club coming soon.


Join Us to Make a Big Difference in your Life and the Lives of your Loved Ones Today.

Community Laughter Summit

Exceptional Achievement

We are the first in Australia to have achieved the first Community Laughter Summit Fun & Free at Deakin Edge, Federation Square in Melbourne in May 2018 with rapturous success and again at Malvern Town Hall in 2019 on 1st December for the benefit of the Victorian Community at large and the Laughter Clubs of Victoria specifically to support continuing knowledge and education on the Power of Laughter for self and community wellbeing. 


Looking forward to sharing knowledge & laughter at the next fun & free Community Summit (TBA)

Our Mission & Vision

Passionate Execution

For the last seventeen years we have been slowly but surely executing our MISSION aim to promote and develop a community of happy people through laughter our laughter clubs and support the practice of Laughter for Health, Happiness and Peace as an integral part of life for all.


Our VISION is to extend fun & free laughter clubs activities to as many postcode address in Victoria and aspire to bring the laughter clubs of Australia together as big happy family. 


With indomitable spirit, absolute passion and laughter as our impetus, we are happily forging ahead laughing all the way.

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